Startups are increasingly common these days, and amidst a boom in this industry, entrepreneurs might find themselves in a tussle to advance their businesses in the right way. is one such marketplace which seeks to provide a step by step process to guide people through best practices to excel in their business.

An earlier such site launched by Mercury Groves was StartupPlays, which provided guides for entrepreneurs to run their businesses to the best of their capability. According to the CEO of Mercury Groves, this site found over 5000 positive responses within the first 7 months of launch. Hence, it propelled them to improve the experience even more in terms of marketing and user engagement.

The CEO Scott Annan further stated that it was always a goal to start a platform like which would be the reservoir of step by step guides. With it being the primary platform, the company seeks to launch several other marketplaces in this and other verticals across varying geographies.

StartupPlays provided the company with adequate field knowledge and experience. It enabled them to gauge user feedback and understand the startup space.

He further went on to state the importance the startup space has gained in the past few years. Moreover, the valuable way in which start-ups can tackle versatile problems such as leveraging networks such as Facebook, etc. to energy issues, problems in the education sector. He rightly added that investors are often lured by the safety and promise mega-billion companies offer. But, with the advancement of technology and filled communication gaps; fuelled with individuality and globalization, there has been a transposition away from such mega-corporations.

And rightly enough, the one’s building start-ups today shall be equipped with survival skills for the later years.


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