The speculation about Google launching a “GDrive” to let people store their photos, music and documents have been jump-started after people with clearly lots of time on their hands found some code within the Google Pack software bundle providing some hints of what’s to come.

Given how online storage has become so popular, especially, as people become more comfortable with having things happen and stored in the cloud, the interest in the GDrive is understandable. Of course, there’s excitement about any new product that Google unveils given it’s Google.

While not every service Google rolls out is successful, what’s particularly interesting is how you can find yourself using a wide range of Google services without even thinking about it.

You start with Google search, then dabble with Google News, slide into GMail, rumble into GReader, check out Google Blog Search, happily discover Google Docs, and tumble into Picasa. Before you know it, Google has become a daily and integral part of your digital portfolio.

Not that this a bad thing given Google’s products are really good but it should make you think about how dependent you can become on Google for pretty much everything. The downside is you can lose access to a lot of essential information if Google, for whatever reason, locks you out.

Ask anyone who has suddenly and mysteriously found themselves in this situation how difficult it can be to get back in Google’s good books.

It makes you think that if variety is the spice of life, perhaps using services other than Google is a good thing.


I am Mark Evans, I really crave to keep my audience up-to-date about all the tech-related products. You can find all the tech-related information on my website. I also help you save time to buy products online by listing out the features of the product with pros and cons. I hope you have a good time reading my blog.

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