A lot of us live with our grandparents. One of our day to day struggles would include questions from them which would sound like this ” How do I send an email?” or “There are too many icons on this screen and it is confusing me”.

The older generations have found it difficult to adapt to the usage of computers and laptops for watching movies, using the internet, and for professional work purposes, but are always willing to learn. If you have an adult who finds computers to be just the opposite of user-friendly, then SoftShell is here for your rescue.

SoftShell was created because its founder wished to create an intuitive interface that could easily engage senior citizens. In simple terms, SoftShell seeks to fill the void felt by seniors while using their computers.

It is a software that is placed on top of Windows. It lets the user do only four specific things namely e-mailing, gaming, viewing photos, and browsing the web. It is a senior citizen’s paradise and has wide market potential.

The working of the alpha version was put to test by introducing it to retirement homes and geriatric centers to determine if the version was fulfilling the need for which it was created. A major hurdle that they had to cross was to determine the channels of distribution. It was a tough choice between retail channels and computer makers.

The software gained its funding through a venture capital reality show called the Dragon’s Den. And yes, it is similar to Shark Tank. They further developed their product through the induction of a CEO who was to focus specifically on the marketing of the product.

Finally, they have created a two-tier business model which can be either ad-supported or partnership supported. Ultimately, it all depends upon the response and usage.


I am Mark Evans, I really crave to keep my audience up-to-date about all the tech-related products. You can find all the tech-related information on my website. I also help you save time to buy products online by listing out the features of the product with pros and cons. I hope you have a good time reading my blog.

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