MaRS has climbed on the accelerator bandwagon with the launch of JOLT, which will focus on supporting Web and mobile startups.

Housed in the MaRS Commons, JOLT will select up to 15 startups a year, and provide them with office space, seed financing, and mentorship, as well as access to partners and angel and venture capital investors.

“Five years ago, MaRS set out to build a platform upon which the next generation of technology companies could scale,” said Dr. Ilse Treurnicht, CEO, MaRS Discovery District. “JOLT is a key component of this platform, serving the needs of entrepreneurs in the exploding IT, communications and entertainment space by giving them the tools, capital and advice required for success, and fostering tomorrow’s growth economy.”

JOLT is the latest entry into the accelerator landscape in Toronto, which includes Extreme Startups.


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