When Jerry Yang talked last June about spending “the next 100 days or so focused on mapping out a strategic plan for the long-term success, working with our teams to put the right organization and the right people in place, and making any necessary changes”, you have to wonder if he anticipated a $44-billion offer from Microsoft.

The coverage is going to be overwhelming today, especially given a major snowstorm has blanketed the northeast so all those reporters and bloggers will be stuck inside with nothing to do but drink coffee, pound out a copy and wonder how long it’s going to take them to get home.

To me, Yahoo’s sales were inevitable. It was just a matter of time before someone stepped up to the plate. The interesting question is how this move will alter the online landscape. Will it propel other deals to happen as the major players adjust strategically to a Microsoft-Yahoo combination?

Of course, how many major players are there left now? You’ve got Google, Microsoft, News Corp and….?


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