Do you have an amazing list of high-end games or spectacular movies? You must be obsessed with their high-end graphics or mesmerizing cinematography!

Well! Now tell me one thing; have you ever asked yourself whether your monitor can do justice to such outstanding visuals? So, are you really all set to play the games or watch the movies?
Now you must have the question: how big enough? Which resolution would be better with a larger screen? Isn’t it?

The monitors between 24 and 30 inches are good enough for most regular users. There are plenty of options beyond 30 inches, but the monitors; that diagonally stretch 27 inches recently started gaining popularity. Yes! The number 27” is the diagonal length of the 27” large monitors. Are you getting confused? Like you, most people are concerned about the vertical and horizontal length of the monitors, whereas the mentioned screen refers to the diagonal length.

To clear all misconceptions, we’ve decided to publish such an article. In this article, you’ll come to know - what are the actual dimensions of a 27-inch monitor? or how big is a 27-inch monitor compared to the other small options, like 24”?


You need to consider the width, height, and thickness of the monitor to accurately know the size of a monitor.

The actual 27-inch monitor’s width is 24”, the 27-inch monitor’s height is 17,” and the thickness ranges between 2” to 7”; thus, the diagonal length comes around 27”. The thickness may vary for different brands.

The bezel size, aspect ratio, and trim size also affect the size of a monitor. Like the thickness, the different brands offer different trim sizes that affect the overall size of the monitor.

Why are 27-inch monitors not 27-inch?

Because it’s the diagonal measurement, when we measure the size of the monitor, we measure the screen diagonally, from one top corner to the diagonal bottom corner.

The 27” screen monitors don’t look like a giant screen, but it’s a pretty widescreen. So, several 27” widescreen models come with a curved design. That’s why we measure like the way we mentioned above, instead of measuring it from right to left or top to bottom. We follow the same measurement rule for TV and projector screens, regardless of the aspect ratio.


When we decide to purchase a monitor, the first thing we do is the budgeting of the space available on the computer desk or work desk. Most people generally finalize their purchasing decision after knowing - how much space will be left after placing the monitor on the desk.

Now the question is, how do you measure a computer monitor screen? You have already come to know that we diagonally measure a computer screen, TV screen, etc. So, place the starting point of your measuring tape at the top-left corner and diagonally pull it to the bottom-right corner; the measure you get from it is the size of your monitor.

Make sure you only measure the screen without including the bezel (the plastic edge) around the monitor screen.

If you are measuring the monitor to budget the space, you have to count how large the bezel is, how much does a 27-inch monitor weigh? or anything; that could affect the overall size of a monitor.

Keeping free space around the monitor is important. It will enhance the beauty of the workstation as well as let us keep some handy elements, like – a sound box, pen holder, notebook, etc.

A few professionals use a dual monitor setup. They need more space to install two monitors side by side on the same table, though most people install them on the wall. The bezel-free or slim bezel monitors look stunning and beneficial for dual monitor setup too.

However, if it comes to a dual-screen monitor setup of two 27” screen monitors, you’ll need around 48” to 50” space on the work desk.

How big is a 27-inch monitor compared to a 24 inch?



A 27” screen monitor is not an ultra-widescreen but big enough to enjoy high-end graphics of the games and mesmerizing cinematography of the movies.

The 27-inch large screen sounds like a giant screen monitor, but it is only 23.54 inches wide without bezels. The aspect ratio of a 27” monitor is 16:9.

If you compare it with a 24” screen, you’ll see the 27” screen is larger enough than the 24” monitors. As mentioned, the actual dimensions of a 27” monitors are most probably 17” tall and 24” wide, whereas the 24” screen monitors are mostly 12” tall and 20 inches wide. The thickness of each model varies depending on the manufacturing brand.


Bigger is always better. If you want to go really wide, close to 50 inches, like Samsung’s CHG90, the first thing that will forcefully stop your dream is its exceptionally high price. Then you’ll be struggling to find media to display at close to its native resolution. Such a huge screen may leave the picture either surrounded by black or look stretched.

So, it’ll be far better to stick with a 27” monitor; that lets you work with the most modern resolutions and color clarity. You can open a couple of different web pages at once without needing to use two monitors. The best thing is, it doesn’t tend to be too expensive unless you opt for the top-end specifications.


Hello, Myself is Antonio. I’m a full-time blogger, Interested in accessories like the camera and other tech accessories. In my meantime, I enjoy writing about it. On my self-testing, I shared many reviews on the tools and gadgets I used. My blog helps you to get your ideal products or accessories at the best quality.

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