ps5 - PS5 Dolby Vision


PS5 is not just a console as people also use it as a multimedia center. Rather it has an interface that is multimedia friendly, with multiple apps like Netflix preloaded in the stock software.

But, with the launch of the PS5, the most disappointing part was that even being a 4K HDR10 enabled console, it lacked the support for Dolby Vision. This is because Dolby Vision is quickly becoming the industry standard.

It means that when you try to play Dolby Vision-enabled content, the hardware will convert it to HDR10.

dolby vision - ps5 dolby vision

Due to this conversion, the experience of viewing would not be the same as it would have been with a Dolby Vision-enabled device. What is good about Dolby Vision is that you can expect brighter color reproduction with sharper contrast and accurate details.

The addition of Dolby Vision enhances the user viewing experience to a great extent, and this is one of the main reasons why it is being missed so much. Sadly, as of now, there is no official confirmation from Sony regarding the support for Dolby Vision. We can only hope that the company listens and rolls out the update ASAP.!!

Will The PS5 Support Dolby Vision

Though at the time of launch, Sony decided not to provide support for the Dolby Vision in the future through a firmware update bringing Dolby Vision to PS5 is possible.

Given that Dolby Vision is quickly becoming a widely accepted standard, Sony would not like to disappoint its fans and will most likely introduce the update. Until then, let’s stay hopeful.

PS5 Dolby Vision

Why Was Dolby Vision Not Included In The PS5?

Unfortunately, with the launch of the PS5 console, Sony decided not to give support for the Dolby Vision. As of now, the PS5 supports only HDR10, but we can be hopeful about the future as the company can give support through an OTA update.

Now, why Sony decided not to give support for Dolby Vision boils down to two reasons, the first one being the cost as the technology belongs to Dolby, and for using it, Sony should have to pay the asked license fees. 


As of now, Sony is already facing losses on every PS5 that it sells due to the kind of hardware that they have put inside it. So, Dolby Vision was an expense that Sony couldn’t afford at the time of release.


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