ps5 filter

PS5 filter

When Sony announced that it will be launching its next-gen console, the console started to create a lot of hype around itself. As the PlayStation consoles are something that people look forward to for years and, when they finally get launched, they almost instantly become a sensation.

With the inclusion of things like smooth 4K 60 FPS gaming, raytracing, a plethora of gaming titles at launch, people had to get excited.

ps5 filter effects

In today’s era, nothing becomes a sensation until and unless people start a trend around it on social media. This is what has happened with the PS5 filter effect coming on various social media platforms. If you, too, are stuck by FOMO and don’t want to miss the bandwagon, then now is the time to learn this.

How to use PS5 filter effect on Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok

Now let's see how to create fake PS5 filter on various social media.

  Steps To Create A PS5 Filter On Instagram

Creating a PS5 box mock-up on Instagram is quite simple. What this does is that it creates a virtual mock-up of a PS5 box, which you can use to have fun and deceive your friends into thinking that you have finally get your hands on the latest console. If you are interested in learning this cool trick, then follow the steps given below-

Step 1- Open the Instagram app and go to the ‘Your Story’ icon located on the top left.

Step 2- Once you click on the icon, the ‘Your Story’ interface opens up. Inside the interface, right scroll through all the filters until you reach the end.

Step 3- At the end, you’ll find an icon containing a magnifying glass with ‘Browse Effects’ written at its bottom. Click on that.

ps5 prank - ps5 filter

Step 4- After that, Under the smiley button, click on the post that has a PlayStation Box in it. Click on the magnifying glass icon and, once the interface opens up, click on the search icon located on the topmost right corner. In the search effects bar and type ‘PS5 Box’.

Step 5- After searching, various PS5 filters will pop up. You can click on any one of the filters and click ‘Try It’ to use the filter by pointing your camera to the place where you want the mock-up to pop up. Finally, take a picture and share it with your friends.

Steps To Create A PS5 Filter on Snapchat

If for some reason, you are not on Instagram and are looking for something cool to add to your snap streak, then you can also try the PS5 filter for SnapChat. For using the filter, please follow the steps mentioned below-

  • Step 1: Open your preferred web browser.
  • Step 2: Open this SnapChat PS5 Filter URL on your browser or mobile. 
  • Step 3: Once the web page is loaded, scroll the web page until you reach the snap code.
  • Step 4: Now open Snapchat on your phone and use the Snapchat camera
  • Step 5: Using the Snapchat camera, scan the snapcode that is present on the website.
  • Step 6: Pointing at the snapcode, hold the camera screen to unlock the Snapchat lens on your smartphone.
  • Step 7: Alternatively, if you have visited the website through your smartphone, then just click on the snapcode to add it to the Snapchat lens.

Steps To Create A PS5 Filter On TikTok

Sadly there is no PS5 filter built into the TikTok app, but if you still are interested in flaunting the PS5 mockup box, then you can do this by recording the PS5 filter prank video on Instagram and then posting it on TikTok.


We hope you enjoyed following this PlayStation prank. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the technology that has been behind it and the distance that we have come when it comes to augmented reality.

Thanks to the advancements in technology that now we can see our imaginations come to life. So, let’s harness the full potential of augmented reality, as now is the time to confuse people into thinking that you have bought the next-gen console and making them envy you.


Hello, Myself is Antonio. I’m a full-time blogger, Interested in accessories like the camera and other tech accessories. In my meantime, I enjoy writing about it. On my self-testing, I shared many reviews on the tools and gadgets I used. My blog helps you to get your ideal products or accessories at the best quality.

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